1 times!! The problem of what to bring to a desert island, I want to bring one notebook 20230916 – Inishie R plusA –


Hello. I’m Jiku from Inishie R plusA.

What would you take to a deserted island? It’s an old and difficult question. If you could take just one thing with you, what would you take? One answer is a knife. However, if a knife rusts, it becomes useless. I don’t want to live on a deserted island, but if I could take one thing with me, I would take a notebook. I usually write down my ideas in a notebook. I want to drive south, south, with that notebook in hand. It’s like the world of a prison escape movie, but if you put everything from your ID to your credit cards in your notebook, moving will be easier.

The contents of the planner will be added to and updated continuously, like the traditional sauce of an old ramen shop. It will include a variety of things, from wisdom for life to lessons and work methods. Sell all other personal belongings and use the money to cover moving expenses or rent storage space. I think there are many things that are the most important for humans, but the most important of them is “memory.” Without memory, or knowledge, we can’t do anything. What would happen to a computer without any data?

In conclusion, it would be nice to have a notebook full of survival knowledge!

